Diagnosis and Management of Shoulder Pain
January 17, 2015
8:00am – 5:00 pm
McKay Center, UPC Campus
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
An evidence based approach to utilizing the history and choosing physical examination tests for evaluation and management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain.
An orientation to diagnostic imaging (to include multi-modality imaging anatomy and selected pathology) and other diagnostic studies for shoulder pain will be provided. Laboratory will be focused on psychomotor performance of physical examination components and specific treatment interventions. Interactive cases will be used to reinforce the entire process of evaluation and management in patients with shoulder pain. The etiology of shoulder pain in competitive swimmers will be discussed along with evidence based recommendations for training modifications and rehabilitation interventions.
Lori A Michener, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS
Professor – Clinical Physical Therapy | Director of Clinical Outcomes and Research | Director – COOR Laboratory
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Angela R Tate PT, PhD, Cert. MDT
Associate Faculty, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA
Clinical Director, Willow Grove Physical Therapy
1003 Easton Rd, 105 Manor
Willow Grove, PA
Matt K Walsworth, MD, PT
Department of Radiology, West Los Angeles Medical Center
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
The course is open to Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers and Other Allied Health Professionals
Cost $189.00. The course hosts are COMPTSIG members.
A 15% discount is offered to COMPTSIG members who attend this course.
This notification does not imply COMPTSIG's endorsement or recommendation of this course.
Make checks payable to USC PT Associates Continuing Education Fund
CEUs available.
Contact Michael O’Donnell, DPT for details and to register: modonnel@usc.edu.